Sign Up as a Maker

Sign up so you can start posting projects. Just so you know, there are a couple of simple "rules to live by" as a 100kGarages Maker:

  1. Participate. You need to be active! Remember to use the site to post jobs. When jobs are finished, share photos with your Fabber and ask the Fabber to post them on the gallery. Add your voice to the forum.
  2. Play nice. We stay out of the business transactions between you and Fabbers. We expect that you'll be fair and honest in all your dealings. If we hear differently, your membership will be suspended until we can verify that a situation has been resolved. And when it comes to intellectual property, when in doubt assume the rights belong to you as the Maker. Be sure to discuss this openly and clearly with your Fabber.
  3. Spread the word! To keep this community strong, use your social media places to let people know about 100kGarages.

Learn more about the benefits of signing up!

[Maker Sign up Form goes here
Ends with a Button/Link to Post a Project]

By completing the sign-up process, you agree to Participate, Play Nice, and Spread the Word!

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