- Tom Brokaw, paraphrased from a question he posed during the 2008 presidential debates
Digital fabrication is everywhere. It's being expressed at Maker Faires, on sites such as Etsy and CustomMade, and represented in the growth of hacker spaces and TechShops across the country. And 100kGarages is fast becoming a vital connection point in the digital "fab" revolution. It's a place for people who have designs (or just ideas for things they want to make) to connect with digital fabricators ("Fabbers") who can help make these ideas become real.
100kGarages was started in 2008 by ShopBot Tools, Inc., one of the largest manufacturers of CNC digital fabrication tools, in collaboration with Ponoko, the creator of Personal Factory (software for the maker movement). Now, ShopBot has enhanced 100kGarages to further support the activities of the digital fabrication movement. Where the site at first only provided connection to fabbers who own ShopBot CNC tools, now owners of all types and brands of digital fabrication tools are invited to participate.
In short, 100kGarages is a free resource that helps people find one another, learn from one another, and make their dreams for invention, creation and successful business come true. Get started using 100kGarages.
A snapshot of current activity